• I thought Season 1 was great. By no means an accurate reflection of life in the 1950's, but hey, all sitcoms are 90% fantasy, right?

    Season 2 seemed to start going off the rails a bit. Not too far off, but the show was slipping.

    By Season 3 I was beginning to wonder if I was watching the same show. Instead of seeing Midge's stand-up routines - one of the funniest parts of the two previous seasons - we were now listening to Shy Baldwin crooning - again and again and again - often the same song, always the same style. It got old fast.

    The narration, which was new to the 3rd season and might have been quirky as a one-off, very quickly became forced and tedious. And by the end of the season, Midge Maisel is no longer the up-and-coming comedy star, but rather the schlemiel who can't win for losing. I wonder how they plan to recover from this...

    I intend to check out Season 4 on the chance that Season 3 was an aberration, but I won't be holding my breath.

    And finally, I hope everyone realizes that some of those fabulous hats were worn backwards. The pretty bows usually went in the back or on the side. Just sayin'...