• Warning: Spoilers
    Anita Mui was an one-in-a-generation great singer of our time whose life was unfortunately cut short by cancer. This movie was supposed to tell her story and celebrated her legacy, but unfortunately, it fell far short and was such a wasted opportunity. All in all, this movie felt more like a 3rd rated documentary than a featured movie. It failed to take the audience through the emotional high and low of her life. The Director decided to take the audience through every little bit of her life but to connect deep emotionally.

    To start off, the movie failed to tell the audience who she was from the beginning. Unless audience already knew who Anita was, they would not appreciate where she came from, life as a child singer, and the bond with her sister.

    Second, her career took off after winning the New Talent Singing Award, but that backstory was completely missed. Other than problem with her throat, it failed to explain what she did to her voice, preparation, song selection, going through the earlier round, behind the scene of the competition. There were so much there at one of the height of her career.

    Third, the story was told from a very narrow and singular perspective, possibly from Louise Kuo, who became the most important character in the movie. I think it was sloppy writing and he was the only source for the movie.

    Fourth, the singing scene at the bar was great. The best scene of the movie, in my opinion

    Fifth, as her rose to stardom, she won many awards and held concerts, that was the height of her career. There were barely mentioned except her relationship with Yuuki.

    Sixth, failed to develop story behind her lifelong friendship with Leslie Chung and his death. It could have been a very powerful part of the story, both the success of the movies, the songs, and death.

    Seventh, her sister's death. Had they developed their childhood story how her sister cared for her, grew up together, preparation for the New Talent Singing Award, and eventual death from cancer. Yet, the director chose to pick bit-and-pieces and the audience didn't feel the sadness when she died.

    Eighth, her humanitarian story was very sloppy. They used old Anita footage, the SARS concert was good but could be better, and those feeding the homeless scene was ridiculous - it was the same scene, same location, under the bridge. Come on.

    Nineth, her owner battle with cancer must be tough and difficult, but I didn't feel it because the Director failed to show me.

    Tenth, the final concert was supposed to be the most climatic scene, both in sad and triumph. I wanted to know how that feel other than the wedding dress. I wanted to feel it and cried like a baby. But again, the Director failed to connect.

    Lastly, I want to say Louise Wong is amazing, probably one of the best performance. Not just she looks like Anita, her gesture and movement carried a shadow of her, her acting, singing, and dancing were amazing.

    P. S.: I see many rated this movie very highly. I too, at first. I would love to give a 10 for Anita Mui, the singer. But this is for the movie, which unfortunately, disappointed. I would have given it a 2 and decided to up it to 4 since it is for Anita.