• Let's face it: Daytime TV is just plain bad. Wendy Williams, The View, The Talk, Steve Wilkos, Mary, Montel... it's all garbage. And fake courtroom shows where performers who happen to have a law degree are a dime-a-dozen so why is it that enough executives thought we needed a bad court show with someone who does NOT have a law degree, knows nothing about law but is really good at mugging, preening and posturing? Because it's what America wants. America doesn't care if it's fake, cooked, scripted... they just want something REALLY familiar with a slightly different name.

    This show is pretty much nwatchable, even by daytime TV standards. And Steve Harvey being clueless about the law is not only NOT a liability but it's actually the hook. They use that fact as a marketing ploy and a selling points. There is nothing redeeming about this show and Steve Harvey should surround himself with fewer 'Yes Men'. Or maybe just ONE person that will step in and say 'maybe don't do this show'. But someone dropped a nickel and Harvey is there to pick it up. So with that said, I'm sure this show will be a huge hit. It's exactly what daytime audiences want: dreck.