• Not every Christmas story is the same, because everyone has a different heritage, with different traditions, and people in the U. S. come from different countries. While this movie has a familiar story line of a woman who works in a publishing company and finds her own voice, this story is culturally unique, heartfelt, and beautiful!

    It showcases asian culture and traditions (which I haven't seen before in TV Christmas movies in the states), but it also shows Asian and African American values like: love of family, pursuing a higher education, striving to be successful, continuity of traditions, service to others, the importance of creating community, etc.

    It also shows young people the importance of knowing your value, standing up for yourself and your beliefs, not compromising your happiness for material things, that success is preparation meeting opportunity, and that taking risks in the pursuit of success and happiness pays off when you balance your heart and your mind.

    It is sad to see the bias in some of the reviews, usually from people who are intolerant of minority stories, and minorities in lead roles.

    For those complaining about the plot, Hallmark has made a living off of repeating story lines, usually putting actors in rolls with similar themes way too often at this point, and you've been supporting them for years!

    Why can't Lifetime do a familiar story line with a twist? They're called universal themes for a reason, many can relate as it happens to almost everyone in different ways.

    I invite open minded people, who see everyone as "human beings" first and foremost, to give themselves the opportunity to watch this and other lifetime movies (especially those with minority leads and cast), and rate them in a fair, objective, and unbiased way, as it should be.

    I'm very pleased with this beautiful movie, and others done this 2021 -22 holiday season, which have shown classy, and culturally diverse stories that celebrate family and love in all its forms.

    Bravo to Lifetime for making a commitment to be a network that employs a diverse casts and champions inclusion! Please continue to do so always, and continue making beautiful movies! Lord knows our nation needs to see our stories, our children need to see themselves represented in people who look like them, and our actors need the platform and the opportunities.

    I celebrate and support them all! Bravo!


    P. S. My only negative mark: The actress that played a Puerto Rican writer did not speak Spanish with a proper pronunciation, and unfortunately she botched "Misa de Gallo" (Mass of the Rooster or Midnight Mass) as Semilla de Gallo (Seed of the Rooster).

    I appreciate the effort to talk about different cultures. However, if you're talking about the traditions of Puerto Rico (for example), shouldn't you at least hire an actress who speaks fluent Spanish and has an accurate native "Puerto Rican" accent? There are plenty of amazingly talented actors on the island that would love the opportunity.

    I do appreciate seeing my culture in a Christmas movie in the U. S. immensely, even if it was for three minutes, and hope to see an entire movie about Puerto Rican Christmases in the future!

    Thank you!