• "The Wabbit Who Came to Supper" is a play on the title of another Warner Brothers film, "The Man Who Came to Dinner", which was also made in 1942.

    The story is good but for some reason the animation quality and style is really odd...like they hired all new animators for this film. Now this could be because it was made during the war and MANY animators were drafted...many of which remained in Hollywood and made government sponsored cartoons.

    All I know is that it's odd to see Elmer Fudd hunting in a hot pink shirt and chartreuse necktie. But it goes beyond the color. Elmer is oddly drawn...very rubbery and poor quality...like it was drawn by someone who wasn't ready for professional work.

    The story itself, fortunately IS good...and fun to watch. Apparently Elmer's 'Uncle Wouie' is dying and is leaving Elmer $3,000,000...but only if he doesn't harm any animals. Bugs hears this and, naturally, this means he'll drive Elmer mad since there's nothing Elmer can do to stop him...provided he wants this inheritance.

    Overall, this is still worth watching because it's funny...but the art is just cheap looking.