
  • Based on the first 2 episodes. The British have a knack to crafting a perfect mystery thriller. They seem to pretend to muddle things up by having so much going on, but in affect you are enthralled to what the hell is going on! A neat way in setting up the characters and laying the groundwork for our suspicion by distorting our perspective! (Too many exclamation marks going on here!)

    In no time we are in the thick of it by episode 2, and we begin to perceive the suspects in one way or another, not sure which way to go! Once again, like all good mystery thrillers, you throw it all out there, but the baby in the tub. You keep that baby for the final surprise. And just when you thought this series was going to run out of steam by episode 2, they give us another shot in the veins, and we are addicted. Now I am more than riveted in the direction this is going.

    What I am looking forward to is the culture clash between the British and USA agents in solving the case, (which will also involve a gender clash). The power of public camera surveillance and is our privacy threaten? The other burning question is how powerful is this high-tech corporation, and do they rule the world? Will the suspects ever get their normal lives back? And will they ever cross paths? These answers will need to be answered, but please do it over a low burning flame and enthrall us, teasing us with all the joy of a decent cheesy mystery thriller.