• Let's get this out of the way; this movie isn't scary. At all. Creepy? Yes. Atmospheric? Definitely. But scary? Not even close. There are some elements that definitely are goosebump inducing if you are in the mood for it, but other than that, this movie is about as fear inducing as an episode of Ghost Hunters. Anyone looking to be frightened or even mildly creeped out by a movie should really look elsewhere. There isn't much to see here....

    That being said, the acting is SUPERB. The entire cast is talented, delivered their lines believably and it seems like everyone had great chemistry. At times it didn't even seem like I was watching a movie. My TV was a giant window and the movie was me looking out through it. If more films took the time to really bring together a dynamite cast like this movie did, Indie films would be elevated to a much higher status.

    To summarize; stay for the acting, but don't be surprised if the movie ends with you uttering, "MEH." loudly when it's over like I did.