
  • 13 February 2022
    First off, this movie is breathtaking. Every time I see the Pacific Northwest, I know my heart belongs there. Well, if there aren't any creatures with antlers lurking about.

    While I disagree with many of the choices these characters made or didn't make, I loved the acting, story, pacing, mood, score and throwback to older small-town creature-features. It's story kinda overwhelming with how much is going on and it's kinda an easy ending, but it's definitely worth it all.

    One of the most story-developed teachers ever on screen takes probably way too much interest (not sexual) in one of her students. In this case, it checks out as this boy is wildly in trouble. You see, his dad's sick and on a scale of 1 being Chicken Noodle soup to cure him to 100 being a nuke, he's probably close to 75. 75-80.

    My mouth was agape half the time for how gorgeous this movie looked. I also loved the complex story and yearned for more as so little was given to us at a time. The practical effects were fantastic and despite barely seeing the creature, I was okay with that. What I was given and when was just fine for me.

    I would've liked a little harder ending, but I'm okay with it. Passionately approved by me and go ahead and watch it with Malignant. They're not similar in stories, but they are in tone and atmosphere.


    Final Thoughts: I swear Jesse Plemons is Matt Damon's own Chris Penn.