
  • This is the latest in the Passionflix original movies based on popular romance novels, Tangled by author Emma Chase.

    The overall story is about Drew Evan's a successful New York investment banker. He is handsome, arrogant and a total playboy. This is an interesting perspective as it is told from his perspective and in retrospect. He has currently spent the last seven days holed up in his high rise apartment telling everyone he has the flu...then he tells us what happened which starts when he randomly meets Kate Brooks at a bar after receiving a blow job from another girl in the bathroom (yeah, he's that kind of guy). Kate basically shoots him down which has never happened before...but he immediately takes home a twosome for sex. The next morning he meets the new hot shot up-coming at work...Katherine Brooks! Kate has a fiancé and continues to shoot Drew down and they become rivals at work. After a pretty bumpy start...they eventually start to work together becoming friends until one night...

    I love most of the passionflix offerings and I love the premise or what they are attempting to do at passionflix. You could say I am a big fan. I feel like this film is kind of in the middle of the pack of their offerings however, with the top tier including such films as the Gabriel's Inferno films, The Driven series, The Will, Dirty Sexy Saint and the next tier down to include The trouble with Mistletoe, Afterburn Aftershock, The Matchmaker's playbook, and maybe Wicked...with Seduction and Snacks maybe being in the next tier down. In fact the only Passionflix offerings that I didn't care for were The Protector and Hollywood Dirt.

    So having said that...yes, I recommend the film to anyone who likes sexy romances. But did I think this was the best that Passionflix has come out with? No. It wasn't nearly as seductive as some of the other offerings (what some call panty wetting). Also, I am not sure I am a big fan of the raw material and it's premise...arrogant playboy's perspective on loving and leaving girls. It also seemed very discordant that Drew thinks his niece needs a better role model (than his sister who is a stay at home mom) when she says she wants to grow up to be a princess and wait for her prince to come. Other Passionflix offerings have had me rushing out to buy the book...I don't think I'll be reading this Emma Chase any time soon.