• I will start by saying that this movie is, probably, about 10 years too late. Had this been made early '10's, I can imagine a better response. The jokes are outdated and we've heard them all before. The 'present' scenes are predictable though I found the ending to be really good.

    The 'past' scenes I thought were amazing, and my four stars are for them. The movie would have been better going down the route of Nan telling Jamie about the past without a road trip, then ending with the meeting. Catherine and Katherine did a good job in those scenes.

    The worst part was, by far, the out of place and ridiculous animation that bought nothing to the movie.

    So, would I recommend the film?

    Sober - No.

    After a few drinks - Sure.

    Go in with low expectations and I think you'll enjoy the movie due to the flashbacks.