• So it's inspired by D&D, I never played but I know enough from nerd culture to understand the concept and amazing job on the artwork and character design.

    I'm finding it difficult to find reasons to like these characters, from the get-go you gave us this illusion of strong characters, from the way that they're designed and the way they behaved. But the more I watch, there's no substance. Some characters are extremely stereotypical, others are so boring you start to wonder why are they main characters.

    A lot of the writing makes me think there is something that I'm missing or that I don't understand. Even when they were attacked where some of them seemed like they died, I did not care, I was not rooting for them or against them, just watching in boredom and indifference, so I blame the writing more than anything.

    What kind of writing is this! Two slit throats one after the other, two spitting one after the other, and so many moments like that, where it loses its effect because of repetition of the same concept in the same episode or even sometimes in the next episode

    And it's not that the characters are not likable, they are "Misfits". I love the concept of Misfits, but these are boring one dimensional misfits.