
  • And where's the reference to young, then barely known actress, Julia Roberts? Unless I'm seriously missing something, she absolutely has a one on one scene with Michael Keaton, early in the film. I can't find any mention of Julia, in relation to this movie, anywhere.

    Yes, the moment of clarity has become something of a cliché in films about substance abuse. Still, Daryl had to have some kind of revelation that totally altered his perspective. When did he transform from the wiseass who was using the rehab hospital as yet another way to beat the system to the dedicated, committed devotee to drug free sobriety? We saw many reasons why this might have happened but we don't know when, where, why or how it actually did.

    Watching this film will definitely give anyone a moment of clarity if they questioned why Michael Keaton quickly shot up to superstardom and ultimately won a Best Actor Oscar. His first serious, dramatic performance here was definitely award, or at least nomination worthy.

    Finally, why, in a film about conquering substance abuse, does virtually everyone smoke cigarettes? It was the late eighties, not the fifties, and the effects of smoking were very well known.

    Overall, I say the film is far from perfect but it will keep you absorbed for two hours.