
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This horror film opens with Hal, a middle aged man, finding a cassette that contains a 1980s computer game called 'CURS>R'. He has an old computer so decides to play. It is a text based adventure game. As soon as it starts something odd happens; his choices in the game play out in real life. He can only stop playing if he makes copies of the game; he does so. Three months later protagonist Kayla finds the game along with a note stating that the first person to beat it will win $125,000 and a phone number, which gives a recorded message suggesting it might be unclaimed. Her friend, computer programmer Isaac, helps her start to play. Again her in game choices have real world consequences; attempts to stop playing or destroy the tape don't work; if she tries to avoid making a choice it tells her to 'Choose or Die'! Things will get increasingly unpleasant as Kayla learns more about the game and its origins before inevitably facing 'The Boss' level.

    This film opened well; anybody who played a computer game will enjoy hearing the sound of a game loading off a cassette nostalgia inducing. The way the game affected real life might not have been entirely original it was enjoyable. Some of these were pretty disturbing but at other times we just see old style game animation while hearing what is meant to be happening which was less scary... although I guess it saved on the effects budget. The story progresses well enough with Kayla taking on the various levels of the game at the same time each day and worrying about what to do in between. The cast is solid. Talking of the cast; given that they are mostly British and it was filmed in London there is no logical explanation of their characters being American and setting it in the US. It was fun having Robert Englund, of 'Nightmare on Elm Street' fame provide the voice of the game's 'Director Terror'. Overall I thought this was okay; hardly a must watch but it passed the time well enough.