
  • While the acting was fine the effects were cheesy even for the time period I believe. It doesn't make sense that an intellectual vampire would kill the crew driving the ship back to Earth. At most it would take just what it needed because after one death she might have been ejected into space.

    The vampire having heat vision was a little over the top also. You would think that after the vamp killed the first one they would have tied her down with something more than rope since they had no idea of her strength AND locked her inside a compartment. They also mentioned that one of the crew members that was stranded could make their emergency rations last 7 days till another ship rescued them and yet the trip back seemed to take more than 7 days.

    Overall, it is an OK movie if you don't mind old horror without the special effects and gore. At most you see some blood spilled on the floor and a little on the person.