
  • This is one of the best stories of any medium. It is reductionist to say this is a story about revenge, because it is only that in the most surface of ways. The subtext is rich with questions of moral relativity, perspective, growth vs deterioration, obsession, trauma, autonomy, choice, tribalism, etc...

    It is not shock value if the shocking things hold meaning and builds character. The game takes place in a post apocalypse and the decisions the characters make are totally sensical given the confines of their world.

    The game is better written than 98% of shows and films, and 100% better than any other game out there. Only the best filmmakers like bergman, kieslowski, haneke can write above this level and I doubt this games detractors even know these artists.

    The game is relentlessly bleak, but it is purposeful. That being said, I understand how someone wouldn't enjoy this, but bleak plotting isn't automatically bad writing.