• Slight spoilers*** This ARROGANT woman. Okay, I do realize MANY many people have been through unspeakable trauma. The feeling of being seen, understood and no alone is an extremely powerful thing. But this woman is as narcissistic as they come. Of source so are all the other cult leaders and sleazy tv evangelist. But I knew she wasn't going to like this woman moving in on her territory! I would've been more shocked had she reacted with peace, love and acceptance. But it was pure jealousy disguised as concern. It was also apparent in the first 10 minutes she's perfectly okay with suicide. Almost in an urging way to her "followers" asking someone so deep in their turmoil "why are you still here on earth" WTF people???? Seriously??

    Usually I don't rate until the series are over, so I'll go back and modify this one if need be. But right now... I got a pretty strong feeling that I am spot on and will not change my mind about this woman! But I'll keep coming back, if only to yell at my screen and scoff at the total BS that she's spewing most of the time. I won't be watching any if her videos though. Won't be able to rack up any views from me.