• As someone who has followed Teal quite a while ago 2009(?) to 2015 I had always found something was of about her story. From her claiming to have been abused and sewn into a corpse as a child, to driving out into the forest having an abortion by herself on herself and then leaving her blood children in the snow... just to mention a two. What I found extremely appalling was that when her friend was raped she stood by the rapist... and whenever people questioned her she became aggressive telling people they should kill themselves... at the beginning it was easier to ignore some of the stuff as fantasy or unhappy people leaving the community, but after a while there was so much that you had to be willfully ignorant to the damage she does to people as well as to her backstory that was clearly made up. She was traveling the world as a super model in the time she was being controlled and abused, and there are no pictures of her modeling except some quite tasteless naked pictures in bad lighting - there is nothing professional about the pictures. She loves to call herself famous as money, fame and power is what she is after. For someone who teaches others to empower themselves she is really quick at playing the victim at the slightest critique she receives. And you will be shunned from the community if you dare to question her. She a dangerous cult leader who not only targets suicidal people, but also tells people to kill themselves if they disagree with her. The videos her followers talk about are mostly word salad that will make your head spin if you try to understand it. She needs to be exposed and I'm really curious about this documentary.