
  • All the low ratings are either done by Teal and her inner circle. "They probably misled her about what they were filming to make her look bad!" or people who hate Teal "I cannot stand this narcissist"

    In either case, those aren't real reviews of the series itself.

    The show is unsettling and a darkly fascinating train wreck you can't look away from. It's a train wreck because we're watching a damaged person try to help other damaged people in disturbing and unethical ways.

    It reminded me of a better version of the a Hulu limited series Nine Perfect Strangers (about the questionable alternative therapy retreat led by a narcissist with a secret)

    It's a pretty fascinating portrait of what a cult leader can look like in today's world.

    Of course it's all speculative on whether or not Teal is a narcissist or a cult leader so it's definitely not right for me to say or judge, but that's the lingering question this series investigates. Either way, it's a fascinating character study about an individual with an unsettling amount of power and influence over vulnerable people.