• W. C. Fields is The President of Klopstokia, a small poor far away country with more goats than people. Visiting American brush salesman Migg Tweeny (Jack Oakie) falls for Angela (Susan Fleming) who turns out to be the President's daughter. Corrupt men are trying to take over the government. Migg witnesses the President's great strength. In order to raise $8 million and prevent the takeover, Migg suggests joining the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics. He starts collecting a team of surprising athletes. Temptress Mata Machree has been recruited by the corrupt men to sabotage the team.

    This is a screwball sports comedy. It's a lot of fun wackiness. The sports do need a little work. It may be better to concentrate on one sport. It could narrow the focus to W. C. Fields and his weightlifting. Why not make a bet with the corrupt men? The sports part needs a villain to battle against. All in all, this is fun and more fun.