
  • Like I said, This is just plain dumb. I am religiously devoted to Good Horror/Sci-Fi episodic/Anthologies. And Sturgeons law of 90% being B. S. certainly and to my great sadness, applies to these genres.

    I seek out and find the good ones(it's not easy, most aren't worth watching) So i pay attention to positive to negative reviews. Often times I am shocked how right IMDB is. I can almost always guess to a tenth, what the Rating is going to be, after I watch a film and go here to rate it. (Comedies being so subjective that you really can't tell what the public rating will be).

    But most times a bad film/show is given a appropriate rating(I'd say 90% of the time).

    Sadly AHS fans must be used to mediocre as this was just a avg(Worthless) episode of familiar shoes such as "Master of Horror". And that shoe, with all the pooled talent, could only must 3 good episodes in two season.

    This was supposed to be the good One episode of the first season. I'd hate to watch those others.