• If you take a cursory glance at the title, you might think Dosed 2 shows people talking about their funniest psychedelic experiences, or maybe it's a an indictment of the pharmaceutical industry. In reality, this film is a human story, a love story. The focus of the film is Laurie, a woman with Stage 4 cancer. While psilocybin is a key character in her arc, it is hardly what makes this film so compelling. Dosed 2 follows Laurie through difficult health news and decisions. We see her turn to psilocybin-assisted therapy to try to make peace with her own death, while wanting desperately to stay here on Earth with her loving husband, Glen, and 4 young adult children just coming into their own. And somehow, even with such weighty themes, the film strikes a balance by bringing in humour and love. So much love. Watch this film. It will make you laugh and cry and write to your MP/Senator in support of legalization.