• Warning: Spoilers
    Gliding Over All is the best episode of Breaking Bad. It's phenomenal. The action, the drama, it's perfection in 3 Acts. There's the Cold Open, with Todd meeting with Walt in his office, and Jesse negotiating with Walt. Then in Act 1, Dennis meets with the DEA, Walt meets up with Lydia, and then with Uncle Jack. And in Act 2, you have the Prison Killings, Walt talking to Hank, the Crystal Blue Persuasion scene, and the family meeting with Skyler, Marie, and Walt Jr. And finally, in Act 3, Skyler discovers the money pile, Walt gets an MRI, then he and Jesse reminisce about the RV and then he gives Jesse that duffle bag full of money, and finally, there's the pool party where Hank connects the dots. Flawless episode. Best 47 minutes in TV history. Although not the greatest episode, it's easily the best. It's also the last episode where Walt cooks meth. Plus, every member of the main cast appears in this episode, and the critical reception for the episode is overwhelmingly positive. It's perfect. Ozymandias is nothing compared to this. And the cherry on top is that it's the midseason finale.

    P. S I've watched all 62 Episodes (plus El Camino), and this is the best one I've seen. Just in case you thought this was as far as I got into the series, or I just skipped over to this episode.