• This movie is amazing and kept my eyes clenched open in some parts. The performance, the acting, the environment, mostly everything about this movie is amazing. Every time someone says "this film is not for the faint of heart" or "the film broke me", I go ahead and watch the movie and realize that people are overreacting. But this one, this one was completely different. It does an amazing job displaying depression and suicidal thoughts, I don't really relate to this movie that much but I really wish I did to get the full effect of the movie.

    The display of the five stages of grief in this movie is amazing to me, Carmichael has done this better than any other movie i've ever watched. The way he managed to get a laugh or two from me in a movie about suicide really shows how talented he is. To think this is his directorial debut is crazy. He has a lot of potential and this is already a really good kick starter.

    Abbott's performance and acting was amazing, most of the time he was on screen I would completely forget that i'm watching a movie. I would feel like if I was there listening to him, he did an outstanding job with his acting. Of course I have to credit Carmichael acting too, although it was not as great as Abbot's acting it was still some amazing performances. Both characters really had me still and I felt like I was connected with them somehow.

    The ending, i'm not gonna describe what happened in the ending because I want to make this review completely spoiler-free. But let me tell you, this is one of those endings so jaw opening and shocking that it left me standing still staring at the credits till the whole thing completely ends, only 2 other movies i've watched have got me like this at the ending.

    This film is incredibly underrated due to the controversial and sensitive topic of suicide, of course this movie wouldn't fit with some other people, I definitely recommend you to watch it.

    Truly a masterpiece of pain.

    (Specific Rating: 9.4/10)

    If you read up till the end, thank you, this is my first review on IMDb and I plan on making more in the future.