• Warning: Spoilers
    Stellar performances all round, and a genuinely gripping story that will keep you guessing to the last.

    The first 5 and 3/4 episodes are outstanding. Every assumption you make at what's going on, who is who, what people's agendas are etc. Is batted back at you right up until the final episode.

    Then the last 10 minutes of the final reveal makes no sense.

    Stop reading here if you don't want spoilers...

    Why is Alex having a SECRET affair with his brother's wife for 7 YEARS just as a way to get back at his brother who he doesn't like? That's a long time to do something to piss someone off that they don't know anything about. Alex's turn from a seemingly loving brother/partner in previous scenes to arguably the worst person in a series of characters who reveal themselves to be unlikeable (and then sporadically redeemable) is a stark contrast to the person we see not only in Nicola's (presumably) rose-tinted subjective memories of their affair, but also the seemingly loving brother we see in objective footage of the wedding videos. The logical jump was just bit too big for me.

    An honestly great series that is let down by its final twist in the final minutes of the final episode. Otherwise excellent throughout.