• Philomena Cunk takes a look at Shakespeare, exploring why his writing is so popular to this day, and looks at the variety of his work.

    A wonderful combination, the writing skills of Charlie Brooker, the talent of Diane Morgan, and the iconic figure of William Shakespeare.

    It's the originality that I enjoy so much, I can't think of any other character who's quite like Philomena, Morgan is so good, so natural, so very funny. It's the absurdity that's so good.

    Some wonderfully funny moments throughout, I really did enjoy that, I'm a huge fan of The Bard, and I'm the first to accept that his work isn't perhaps for everyone, sometimes documentaries and explorations of his work can be a little dry, a little stale. This is a light hearted look, but all it made me want to do was dig out the old Shakespeare's productions.

    Marvellous, 8/10.