• Immediately after just minutes I was asking myself if this was a drama or a documentary? Was this Teal character a real or fictional character? After a pause to research my questions I found that it is a documentary based on a very real person. As the four parts unfolded it was often like a scripted drama as it was filmed more like a movie where all the shots were expertly composed. I'll give the film's director high marks here. But, there's something quite unsettling here. I find the teachings and psychic claims of Teal to be dark and ludicrous. Claiming she wants her followers to achieve their happiness rings hollow...especially when she, herself, seems downright miserable. Many here have labeled Teal a dangerous narcissist, I'll admit that does fit when you hear her say she will eclipse The Pope as a spiritual figurehead. What I haven't read is another description that seems far more at play. She has most of the attributes of a psychopath - displaying practically zero empathy for anyone.

    Teal is just getting by on some sort of mysterious charisma as her teachings are a jumbled mess of new age garbage. This doesn't even begin to answer the question if her teachings are contributing to the suicides of some her followers due to her claiming it is some kind of reset of life button. As such I do find Teal's whole schtick to cross the threshold from mis-guided to evil. And yes the inner circle, and likely, many of the closest orbs are easily classified as a cult society. While I believe in freedom to speak, I do not believe in fleecing folks who are in pain therefore most venerable, especially those so brittle they've either contemplated or attempted suicide. Hopefully this film will serve to wake-up those following whatever this mess is, to clearly see this as the opposite of conquering inner pain and turmoil.