• So at the beginning the story is (almost) pretty normal.

    Laura,a talented painter,meet Harrison,who's working at a record store.

    They fall in love, he teach her how to surf, she shows him her painting.

    Pretty normal,right?


    Even if the movie is (apparently) set in present day, they star to make a mix tape.

    Yep,that thing that we born before internet or mp3 used to do on music cassette.

    They don't make a spotify playlist or something like that.

    Nope,they record songs on a music cassette.

    It's kind of weird but nice,i guess?

    Well,that the "plot device" that the movie use.

    Because when he tragically dies, she discover that when she listen to that mix tape she can travel trough time.

    And she can try to save him.

    I will not tell you where the movie goes from there,but you should know that it shows how time travel can mess up your ad others lives.

    Overall a pretty good movie, not a masterpiece but a nice story with a lot of heart.