• Warning: Spoilers
    See is absolutely, without a doubt, a very entertaining series and I can't wait for another season! My only real gripe is that this show has two very annoying characters. The first is by far the worst and that's because of how bad her acting is and that is Sylvia Hoeks as Queen Kane. All she does is scream and it's such an annoying high pitch scream that it becomes intolerable. When she does actually talk it's a weird annoying voice. The second character isn't so much the acting as the character itself and that's the daughter, Haniwa (Nesta Cooper). I was hoping the entire time in Season 1 that she would be killed. The way she dismissed everything her dad said and did and how she always though she was right (even though she never was) was just annoying. Maybe we're not suppose to like her character but it would be better if we liked both kids. I do have to admit that she was better and was a little less annoying in Season 2.

    I have absolutely no problem with females playing stronger/tougher characters who can fight (it's about time) but it's now gone so far the other way it's ridiculous and no longer believable. Every show now has the woman as the stronger fighter and the men weaker that it's become so unrealistic. Some of these women's fight scenes are just so unbelievable. Their punches and kicks look like they couldn't hurt a toddler but a 250lb grown man gets knocked out on one hit? Jason Momoa is the highlight of the series as his usual terrific self! Bautista was also a great addition to the cast. They were both perfect for the role they were given. If you haven't seen this yet then do yourself a favor and go watch it.