• "Grace Quigley" is a very, very dark comedy...so much so that I can guarantee it will offend some people. My problem with it wasn't the sick plot...more that the film seems to have needed a slight re-write as the film's mood and focus seemed inconsistent.

    Grace (Katharine Hepburn) is a tired old woman...and, particularly, tired of life. So when she witnesses a hitman (Nick Nolte) killing her hateful landlord, instead of going to the police or ignoring it, she approaches the killer and offers him a business proposition. She wants him to kill her and her other elderly friends who, like her, are tired of living. Believe it or not, this IS a comedy.

    I thought the setup for the film wasn't bad at all, but over time the movie seemed to lose its focus. Also a few times I thought the film could have done things better...either by making the film much more serious OR much less serious.

    I noticed someone said that this dark film is better than an equally dark movie, "Harold and Maude". Well, I'd never say that..."Harold and Maude" is a classic and bears re-watching. "Grace Quigley", on the other hand, is just okay and is a film I am glad I saw...once.