• A scoundrel story following good neo-noir fashion with leading ladies Isabella Ferrari in black as the falling regime, and Matilda de Angelis in red as the new era, symbolizing the transition of power in 1945 Italy.

    The Italian ragtag protagonists, as it were, promote themselves from petty black market affairs to try to get rich quick by grabbing no less than a truckload of Mussolini's gold. Go big or go home, as they say.

    The evil Nazis and Fascists in their fancy uniforms are stereotypically mostly represented in a rather unpleasant light lacking only horns, so not much guesswork is required in deciding which party to root for.

    Not much in the way of blood and gore, just a few gunfights and one car chase, but a fair story to while away an hour and a half. The opening and closing credits are played together with anachronistic "Paint it Black" (Tutto Nero in Italian, translates as Everything Black) which kind of makes sense in the end remembering the Fascists' black shirts.

    In the way of gore, there are more plentiful war films than this with a Netflix TV-MA rating. Anyways, a modern dissolution of Italy's fascist past not sinking to the level of preaching.