• Warning: Spoilers
    I've never read the books (I did see the movie... it wasn't Oscar material, but I thought it was cute), but from what other people say, it seems to vary too much as an adaptation. So my review is from the perspective of not having read them.

    I noticed several reviews that stated a few things which indicated the reviewers maybe didn't watch all of the episodes yet, so I wanted to clear up what I found it to be, as I just finished watching all of them. The guardians do state that the Strigoi are wild and crazy, with no ability to think or plan, however, after a few episodes they start to realize how much more they are actually capable of. Rose and Lissa do run away, however, it's at the very end of the last episode as a cliffhanger. And Dmitri supports this, not chasing after them. A few people mentioned the characters being teenagers, which I assume they are in the book, but I think they're supposed to be older in the series. There's even a brief scene where Rose implies that Lissa is 21. Plus all the drinking would lead one to believe they're older than 17.

    Anyway, as far as what I think: it was okay, some good, some bad. I didn't have much trouble understanding the idea of the characteristics of their world. Maybe it's becuz I watched the movie & Rose does VO & explains some stuff as it goes along. But also, there's some brief explanation in the credits (it tells what Dhampir, Moroi, & Strigoi are, what elemental magic is, & even a blurb about procreation).

    The acting was fine, for the most part. I've seen way worse & for a YA storyline, it was on par. Again, some good, some bad. For instance, Victor (I forgot the actors names & I don't wanna go look, lol) did a great job, very passionate, not too melodramatic. Mason, Rose's lovesick friend, was good, too. I didn't like Christian's casting. I felt he should've been more broody & sarcastic. I didn't hate Rose, but I do think they could've gotten someone better. Becuz I didn't read the books, I can't quite put my finger on why or who would be better, I just had that feeling. She was okay, I guess.

    The action was not the greatest. I've seen worse (SyFy movies, anyone?), but I kinda expected a bit better. Same with the CGI. Some of it was okay, but like the psi hounds were kinda cheesy looking.

    Isn't Dimitri supposed to be fully Russian, with a Russian accent? I assume the actor can't do a Russian accent, then. Why else would they change that?? From what I understand, it's important later on. Plus, the actor is cute & all, but I expected a bigger guy. If he's a "god", wouldn't he be bigger & stronger than all the other guardians?

    Also, idk if it's in the books this way, but why do Dhampir's seem to be stronger than Moroi? They're half human, half Moroi... what's gives them what seems like increased abilities? Is it just that Moroi are never trained to fight & if they were, they'd be as good as the guardians? We don't see much interaction of Moroi with humans, so it's hard to tell if they're supposed to be stronger.

    Anyway, like I said, it's not bad, I've definitely seen worse. I did have higher hope for it, though. I'll not rewatch it, but I'll probably watch season 2, if they do one.