• This is a brilliant comedy drama for the whole family...

    The characters, men and women, are very well drawn, each one with coherent and identifiable aspects, the result of their past.

    Ewan and Hawk are great actors, but the other cast, specially the female parts are not always/really up to their level. But it does not spoil the movie.

    There are no good no bad people, just what life offers them, and what they make out of it. Some take opportunities, some take excuses, some blame somebody else.

    In the end, when time ends a life, its time for everbody to make his point.

    The movie has hilarious situations, which could have been from the Coen Brothers. Each scene has its true originality, no stupid gags, no cheap jokes...

    A burial with so many true dialogs, about true and false feelings.

    I will surely ask my kids to watch this movie after my funeral, and as a condition to claim the inheritance, lol, and hope they will have so much fun as I did.

    I force myself through hundreds of boring movies waiting to meet someday a jewel like this.

    One of the best intelligent movies of 2022.