• Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is definitely worth a watch, it just won't be on our rewatch list, for a couple of reasons.

    First, let me say that this is one of the few Hallmark Christmas movies that puts more than trees and Santa in the script. They have actual Christmas Carols which say the word "Jesus"! You hardly ever see that, and I thought it refreshing that if you're going to celebrate a holiday, you mention the core reason FOR the holiday. So bonus marks there.

    Unfortunately, the script is a cliche we see at least a couple of times a year. Famous person returns home, gets involved in a local event, and then their return to success requires they leave before the event. We saw it coming roughly from the time the female lead got involved in the glee club contest.

    The male lead's nerdiness was a bit overplayed, and the female lead's forced smiles wore thin on me. BUT, if there is an award for cheerful face scrunching, the two sisters get blue ribbons.

    So don't avoid this movie. Just don't set your hopes up for anything in the screenplay which smacks of an original idea.