
  • According to Wiki there have been 12 film adaptations of Edmond Rostand's play, Cyrano de Bergerac. Now make that 13 with Rhino, AKA It Takes Three-2021-revolving around modern day high schoolers which means nerdish male and female leads opposite popular boy poser and their smart but popular counterpoint. I started watching it with skepticism but stayed and enjoyed it. Some plot points seemed too contrived, the beautiful, young and way too hip Principal, as an example. Also, the two moms factor seemed a little off but better than a modern version Ozzie and Harriet. The 1987 Steve Martin version, Roxanne, remains far superior. This should make your watch list, perhaps in the lower third. However, if you keep your expectations in-bounds, you should enjoy the actors and the brave attempt to make it modern.