• Director Alfred L Werker stands as an indefatigable worker of B pics and he does not disappoint in WALK EAST ON BEACON! - a rather unusual title for a propaganda and FBI procedural piece.

    Apart from the professional actor George Murphy and the rather biblical Finlay Currie (who played the part of Peter in QUO VADIS one year earlier) with a Russian or German accent, no known actors, but the action is riveting enough to remove any pressure from generally satisfactory and unassuming acting.

    Good photography, tight and believable script (though I failed to grasp the repeated interest in the lady who walked with a "lope", nothing comes of it in the end) and pertinent voiceover.

    No masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but interesting to watch as a capsule of a time when politics interfered with the life of citizens and everyone suspected everyone else of commie sympathies.

    May the world never have to go through that again... now that Big Brother is watching everyone every minute of every day!