• The only thing keeping this going is the nostalgia to see our beloved characters as I've been watching Aqua teen hunger force since at least 2002. I've seen the series multiple times as it's usually one of the more fun and creative shows on tv with what they can do. Come on where else are you going to see a talking hamburger combo! I don't understand why they thought this was the best script they could have went with. Was there a rush to get it done? I found this to be unwatchable and boring where at least the first movie had at least a memorable story for it. Yet the show has such potential. Maybe too much where we'll never be satisfied? Who knows. There was and is a lot of episodes that they could have went with to make a movie and just trash what we got. Similar to the Beavis And Butthead movie where they went to space (yep that's a thing). They had some fun explaining where and what Frylock, Meatwad and Master Shake have been up to since Adult Swim cancelled them as the last season or two was mediocre to say the least and they seemed exhausted or out of ideas but I seriously wish this never came out. Adult Swim made so many bad decisions I completely gave up on their network cancelling metalocalypse and this as well as some other shows I really enjoyed.

    The story is a mess, it takes forever for it to establish anything. Just one stale joke after another. I maybe laughed 2 or 3 times. There is so little story in the beginning that you ask yourself why am I watching this it's just a soul less cash grab. Then when eventually we do get our story which is just a satire of this and that person without ruining anything it's just like who cares.

    The moonanites constantly breaking the fourth wall was not needed and yet I feel with the vast amount of characters they had they could have seriously done more with. Such as Hand Banana, The bible fruits, Rubberman (the snowman made of trash) or even Dr. Wongburger.

    When it ended and after the credits for that last little bit of footage I honestly didn't care. My friend fell asleep watching this how bored she was and same thing she had watched the show for 10+ years. When I explained the ending she just looked at me puzzled. Did some network which I swear is behind both quick cash grabs dumb 20 year old kid take their dads spot or something and say no no.. it's got to be space! SPACEEE. It just doesn't work for either Beavis And Butthead or this.

    The animation is solid, the voice actors for the most part returned to play their roles and just like a lot of animation lately the writing is ATROCIOUS. Such as Rick And Morty (season 5), Archer, Aqua Teen "forever" and beavis and butthead or the last series (not movies) of South Park are all awful. The story I'm running out of words to keep saying describing this uninspired train wreck.