• By 1971, most of the industrialized world had universal suffrage. Holding out, surprisingly, was Switzerland. So naturally, the women there started organizing to demand voting rights. Switzerland's 2017 submission to the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, "Die göttliche Ordnung" ("The Divine Order" in English) is about the suffrage movement there. I don't know about the people who campaigned for it, so I have to take the movie at face value. What the movie makes clear can get summed up with this quote that I once heard: it seems impossible until it's done. The people throughout the alpine country simply accepted that this was how things were, but the women organized to change things.

    A particularly effective scene shows a hippie woman teaching the housewives about their sexuality; much like in the US, women were rejecting the demands placed on them by the patriarchy. Now in the US, we see women's rights under attack again.

    In fairness to Switzerland, it wasn't the last European country to give women the vote. That dishonor goes to neighboring Liechtenstein, which held out until 1984 (to think that in my lifetime, there was still a first world country denying women the right to vote). What is it about the alpine countries and their regressive gender attitudes?

    Anyway, excellent movie. Definitely see it.