• Warning: Spoilers
    After reading some of these reviews, I tend to agree with much that's been said. There are soooo many Christmas movies now, far beyond the days of Charlie Brown's Christmas or It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve. A plot about a prince always plays into our romantic Cinderella fantasy, but this plot was a bit different. Instead of the 'cute meet' between the two leads which moves into a very quick love story, you have two people who've worked together for a year and become friends. I'm very familiar with Cindy Busby from her many Hallmark movies so it was nice to see her acting opposite Jilon VanOver who was new to me. I think their chemistry was good and I'd definitely like to see him again - he looks like a prince! Some production elements missed the mark - no wide angle shots of the lovely hotel's lobby, similar decorations at the hotel and her parents' home - but I loved their walk in the park with snow everywhere. So much better than some movies with spots of snow on the ground. When was this filmed? Overall, was it a keeper? Probably not, but the lead actors made it watchable.