
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One word review would be Jerry, the kid to whom the torch is passed. Jerry is the one character who single handedly ruins the movie. He apparently has talent as a DJ but up until the teacher mentions that someone who attempts to audition as a dj for a school jazz Festival with a high possibility of embarrassing level failure must surely be very confident with himself. Oh yeah I almost forgot I do not have confidence in myself. Because the protagonist must have a conflict or an issue which he will overcome by the end of the movie. Maybe it was played for laughs. It seemed that way. His father moves on to a Tokyo museum so he recommends his son to replace him at this museum where all the exhibits come to life and dangerous things happen. Nothing like near death experience to bring confidence in you. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. This might be a prelude to a TV show. I may check it out but if there is too much whiny Jerry I might drop it.