
  • In this film, Bette plays Ellen Garfield, the sole female reporter for The Daily Star. Bette's character is engaged to Curt Devlin, portrayed by the ever reliable George Brent. Brent's character is also a reporter at the rival newspaper. Brent keeps pressuring Davis to marry him, but she won't until he admits that she is as good a "newsman" as he is. It seems that Brent, along with all the other men in this film, feel that Davis couldn't possibly be a good reporter, because she's a woman. As per usual in these types of films, Davis sets out to "scoop" her fiance and not only prove to him that she's a good newsman, but also prove to her employer and herself.

    Davis and Brent both arrive at the scene of a fire to get the story for their respective newspapers. Davis' story ends up being a fluffy writing piece about the fire. Brent's story on the other hand, involves a missing persons case that results from the fire. Of course, Davis' employer is furious that her story is nothing and Brent found an angle that no other newspaper found. Davis is close to being fired, but she promises her employer that she'll come back with a new story, something really great and exclusive.

    The remainder of the story involves Davis and Brent both investigating the same missing person case and trying to "out-scoop" each other at every turn. Davis has to continually deal with chauvinistic comments from her fiance and colleagues which only fuels her desire to prove them all wrong.

    I thought this was a really fun film and enjoyed how the story and mystery progressed. While Brent is never exciting, I thought he was fine in this film and was a good foil for Davis. I can see why she made so many films with him--he was never going to outshine her. Perhaps this is why she didn't get along with male co-stars like Errol Flynn.