• Warning: Spoilers
    This was the perfect animated film for Christmas Eve afternoon A story of kindness, friendship, courage and hope for viewers of all ages.

    A boy is lost in the snowy woods comes across the mole (voiced by Tom Hollander) who is obsessed with cake and they strike up a friendship.

    While they're up a tree surveying the area for the boys lost house, they encounter a hungry fox (voiced by Idris Elba) prowling around the tree. The fox decides that it is better to leave them be and he wonders into the woods. You hear a yelp and the mole and boy head towards the noise to find the fox is entraped in a snare. With this teeth I can eat you snarls the fox. With my teeth I can release you the mole retorts and releases the fox.

    The boy and the mole continue their journey. As they continue the mole ends up in a river seemingly on the verge of drowning. The fox repays the mole by saving him from drowning. I think you could hear a collective sigh of relief from across the UK after that.

    They continue their journey and discover the fox has been following "Do you think he's following us?" "I do hope so" says the mole. "Maybe he feels lost to" the mole " replies "Well I think everyone feels a bit lost sometimes, I know I do" so, so true that bit really struck a chord with me.

    As they continue, they come across a horse voiced by (Gabriel Byrne) and all 4 strike up a friendship although at first the fox is still a little bit distant and hasn't let himself get too involved.

    It truly is a beautiful story especially as the horse shelters everyone from a storm. "When the big things feel out of contol, focus on what you love right under your nose" which is such a lovely message. It brought a tear to my eye.

    "Oh, no! Where are the lights, I can't see them anymore" The boy is seemingly despondant and all but given up on finding his home. It's here where Idris Elba adds gravitas to the fox by saying my favourite line of the whole film. "You know sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you you're no good, that it's all hopeless. But, I have discovered this you are loved, and important, and you bring to this world things that no-one else can. So hold on." and allows the boy to give him a hug.

    This is such an important message for absolutely anyone and by the end of this I was a wreck. It really hit home with me as well.

    We discover the horse could fly but, had stopped using his wings because it made the other horses feel jealous of his abilities. Suddenly they're up in the air soaring over the countryside looking from upon high for the boys village.

    They find the boys village and they say their tearful goodbyes. But the boy decides that home doesn't have to be a place it can anything including love.

    The adaption from the book was fantastic. The animation was beautiful as well. Even the end credits were beautiful with the mole scurrying around trying to get to a cake.

    I can see this being regular viewing over the festive period. Evening becoming as popular and well loved as The Snowman and The Snowman and the Snow Dog.

    Thank you BBC for putting this on. Easily the best thing on TV over the Christmas period.