• Warning: Spoilers
    This is a great episode which shows the transition of Oliver from The Hood to The Arrow.

    After the events of last season, Oliver has retreated to Lian Yu, till Dig and Felicity track him down, not for need of the vigilante, but because Queen Consolidated is having a hostile takeover by Isabel Rochev. There have been quite a few changes in other characters lives also. Thea is running Verdant, with Roy Harper as her boyfriend who is also trying to clean up the streets and convince Thea to go see her mother. Laurel is working in the DA's office, with a motivation to take down the vigilante, Quentin is a beat cop due to his involvement with the vigilante.

    Meanwhile, in the flashbacks Oliver and Shado have become romantically involved, and we get to see a more violent Oliver, closer to the present day version.

    Overall, it is a fantastic episode with introduction of new characters like The Canary and Isabel Rochev, and Oliver progressing in his journey to become a hero.