• Warning: Spoilers
    This started off very well and the characters were interesting and well developed. The story is told by going back and forth between the courtroom scenes where the defendant is describing what happened and then we're transported to those past events. I normally don't care for this type of storytelling but they did a pretty good job of it and it was effective. The whole point of this series is to gradually reveal whether or not the defendant is guilty and as events unfold it leaves you wondering how it's going to turn out. Unfortunately at the very end they show two alternative endings so we never know. A good story needs a good ending and if I would have known there wasn't going to be one I would never have watched it. I'm wondering if this was some kind of gimmick for a possible second season that never happened. Whatever the reason is I was very disappointed because it was very good right up until the last few minutes and then it leaves you hanging and feeling like you wasted your time watching it.