• 7.0 stars.

    What to say, what to say...

    A woman goes to Belgium to see where her parents met, on her journey she meets some very wonderful people, and happens to fall in love with one.

    This movie is probably awesome if you love Lacey Chabert. If not, then you might agree with my assessment that it's straight up standard Hallmark fare. Nothing original to see here folks.

    As this story unfolds we see that this American woman is evidently as talented with chocolate cupcakes as a chocolatier is with his chocolates in his shop in Bruges Belgium. He is a bit stiff and snobbish like some Europeans are I guess, although I only am familiar with the British being this way...

    The hotel owner is another Hallmark favorite leading lady who fakes an accent, it's in bad taste if you ask me, but what can we expect, she was probably the only female available for this film at the time, I mean Hallmark cranks out like 200 movies a year it seems and there are only so many available artists...

    I wonder if the word chocolatier is similar to musketeer. One who uses chocolate vs one who is armed with a musket. So why then are the three musketeers using swords?

    The romance is ever present in this story, but you probably get the feel for which direction I'm going at with this. Lacey Chabert just doesn't do it for me. I will reiterate as I've done a few times before, she is hit and miss. I love her acting, she is always so nice, and easy going, but her limitations are obvious in that her expressions are usually a variation of being mildly surprised, mildly entertained, mildly annoyed, or mildly exuberant... There is no joy, or love, or anger, or even tangible disappointment found in her acting style. And does this detract from my viewing experience? No. I'm not invested in her to provide a romantic vibe for me. I watch her movies simply because that's what people do on Hallmark Channel. Some of her movies are very entertaining, and I'm not looking for that passion that I usually feel with most of the other Hallmark females. Ok, so then why do I feel regret? Again, I'm not sure, maybe because so many fans love her to death, place her on some pedestal and I look up there upon that pedestal where she resides and see a familiar and charming woman, but not someone I'd write home about... Sorry. There I go apologizing for it. The heart wants what the heart wants.

    I give this a 7.0 because the city is really picturesque and the production value is sky high, the acting is good.