• Like all of the post 2000 Nickelodeon and Disney Situation Comedies, it has a few different layers to it. The layer I enjoy is the dry-sarcastic language humor which has nothing to do with the storyline. All of these shows could (and are) about anything, but its the dry-sarcastic responses between characters that conveys the humor. The storylines are just generic vehicles for the language humor. People don't realize these shows are all written by people generally in their mid to late 40's and they write stuff that makes them laugh. I know I would have never found the humor in these shows as a kid, you have to be over 40 to catch the humor. It's humorous to me when people think just because a show is on one of these networks, it must be a stupid kids show. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I know its hard to get over that hump at first to accept that these shows are every bit as adult as the shows on other networks. The plots are not the draw here, all sitcoms have been using the same 30 storylines since the 1960's. Its all in the sarcasm that has absolutely nothing to do with plots.