• Warning: Spoilers
    I grew up watching all the Night at the Museum movies, so when I heard a fourth was coming out I was really excited. I went into the movie with an open mind, but after 30 minutes, I had already decided I hated this film. I did finish it because it wouldn't be fair to write a review without watching the whole film.

    If this is the fourth movie in the series, why is the tablet back in New York? Why is Nick in high school when, in the third movie, he was about to go to college? Who was the random new French character who we've never seen before? And why is Larry a night guard at a Tokyo museum? In the third movie, he quit his night guard job and became a teacher. Plus, even if he became a night guard again, why would he leave the New York museum and work at the Tokyo museum instead? It makes little sense.

    There are other things that just make the movie even worse. All the jokes aren't funny at all. I only slightly laughed once or twice. A lot of the scenes that happened in this film are very similar to the other three Night at the Museum movies. For example, the scene where everyone is on the city bus while the other passengers look at them oddly already happened. And the travelling through pictures dynamic happened as well.

    Also, wasn't Nick already dealing with confidence issues in the 3rd film? There is absolutely nothing original in this film and they even managed to ruin the characters too. Teddy is really annoying now and Dr. Mcfee isn't even funny anymore, he's just mean... The directors didn't even seem to put any thought into this film. It's almost as if they didn't watch any of the original movies before making this. The movie is like a terrible fanfiction.

    In a nutshell, Night at the Museum 4 is not good. At all. I believe they set up the end of the third film for a fourth, but this just wasn't it. Don't waste your money watching this in theatres and don't waste your time watching it at home. Disney is ruining Marvel, and now they're ruining this.