• Gulmohar (2023 Unique storytelling scripted with some utter truths of the modern world and families. In cities, buildings are getting taller and the bond between family members even weaker. The biggest irony regarding modern society is how everyone around us is trying to disguise their individuality and racing towards virtual love and popularity. Humans of the 21st-century love to pull a complicated card out of a deck of a simpler life.

    The world seems so technologically advanced that a family rarely has a discussion sitting together in a room. As we continue to advance technologically, it is important to maintain strong familial bonds and prioritise authentic human connection. Despite the allure of virtual popularity, true fulfilment comes from genuine relationships and a shared sense of community. We must make a conscious effort to resist the temptation of solitary, superficial life and instead embrace the richness and depth that come from human connection.