• First of all, the cast was splendid, I mean what more could we ask for!? We had Johnny Lever, whom I wish got more screen time, but I didn't even know he was in the film until later on which added to the excitement of the film. Anyway, I loved every second of the film. I laughed so so hard watching it with my family, and I remember watching an interview with Rohit Shetty, who said that he wanted it to be a film that people watch with their family, so I was really grateful to him because it is a new family favorite! I love Rohit Sir's work and I am anticipating future films from him. I feel like many people have certain expectations for a cookie-cutter model of what a film should be and they should honestly just appreciate what the team is working hard to make instead of straight out insulting an entire film!! If comedy is not your thing, don't watch it, it's as simple as that! Do not insult Rohit Shetty, the actors, and all of the team that worked so hard to make this film!!! If you don't find it funny, just move on because there are a lot of people out there that loved this film. THIS is the definition of true comedy!!