
  • A man is controlling people using their most embarrassing secrets against them. He is also torturing and killing people for sport. DCI Luther is put on the case after the disappearance of one of his victims. This makes Luther a target of the sadist and results in Luther being sentenced to a prison term. However, just because he's in jail doesn't mean Luther isn't on the case.

    Being a fan of the TV series I was eagerly awaiting this. I wasn't expecting this film to be as good as the series: most films based on series aren't. Moreover, the quality of the series was due to being able to meticulously build a plot, create engagement with the characters and create tension through developments - a film wouldn't have time enough to do that. So I wasn't too disappointed when this didn't live up to the quality of the series.

    Instead of the usual Luther psychological tension and tight plot we have an unoriginal "cop has to save a case while on the run from the law" story. Add in some contrivances, some reasonably predictable plot developments, a cartoonish villain complete with about the fakest-looking hair ever and a reliance on style over substance at times and this is definitely not in the same league as the series.

    Yet, despite all this, it's quite entertaining. Despite the 130-minute running time the film moves along at a brisk pace and is never dull. Initial plot setup is good, there are some surprises in the plot and the action scenes are great.

    Idris Elba is great in the lead role, as expected, and while Dermot Crowley (as Martin Schenk) was irritating in the series, here he is okay. Cynthia Erivo puts in a solid performance as DCI Odette Raine. On the other hand, Andy Serkis (and his fake hair) is irritating as the villain.

    Overall, not great but entertaining.