• There's always at least one main reason for any film with me and it was the cast in 'Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye'. Very hard to go wrong with the likes of Ward Bond, Luther Adler and particularly James Cagney in a kind of role he always excelled in. It is hard to resist any film with such a great title and the plot synopsis also grabbed the attention. Have always made a big effort to appreciate all film genres and all decades, and there are plenty of great noir-ish gangster films out there.

    'Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye' is one of those great ones. It is great to see others regard it so fondly, but it is sad that it isn't as better known than it is. Despite a great reputation over the years, it is still criminally underrated with most probably have not even heard of it. 'Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye' may not be one of my favourite films, but of all the films in this genre released in the 50s it is for me one of the better ones as well as one of the most pull no punches and tautest.

    Did think that the film could have done without the romantic subplots, which were unnecessary and ones that the film does very little with. Merely there for setting up plot device reasons.

    Cagney however is on cracking form, maybe he is too old for the role but he has the perfect amount of grit and menace, the charisma burning the screen. Barbara Payton has the most interesting and most developed character, she puts a lot of intensity and heart into her performance especially in her off the charts chemistry with Cagney, when she is confronted for instance the terror felt very realistic. Bond is suitably sleazy as one very corrupt character, while Adler plays his unsettlingly amoral role with relish. Gordon Douglas' direction is taut and unfussy, he could do this sort of material in his sleep effortlessly but it doesn't feel in any way that there was any sleepwalking or phoning in.

    While the budget is modest, to me 'Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye' did not look cheap and did have some nice moody atmosphere in the photography and lighting. There is nothing exceptional about the music, but when it is used it fits the mood and doesn't over-emphasise or intrude. The film further benefits from a very pacey, gritty and pull no punches script.

    As well as a tightly paced, no frills or fuss, unyielding story that is never predictable and has a lot of eerie edge and suspense. The action excites, choreographed with verve while also not shying away, this is very daringly uncompromising stuff here. The characters are all unsympathetic with no exception, which will upset anybody who watches films for rootable characters, but in a morality story where there are no morals or ethics this was not in any way a detriment and actually added a lot to the film's edge.

    In summary, truly great and deserving of a lot more credit. 9/10.